HSL Bibliography
Found 5 results
Filters: Author is Oman, C. M. and Keyword is *Space Flight [Clear All Filters]
"Horizontal angular VOR, nystagmus dumping, and sensation duration in spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers",
J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 315-30, Fall, 1993.
"Spatial orientation and posture during and following weightlessness: human experiments on Spacelab Life Sciences 1",
J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 231-9, Fall, 1993.
"Spaceflight affects the 1-g postrotatory vestibulo-ocular reflex",
Adv Otorhinolaryngol, vol. 42, pp. 5-8, 1988.
"MIT/Canadian vestibular experiments on the Spacelab-1 mission: 4. Space motion sickness: symptoms, stimuli, and predictability",
Experimental Brain Research, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 316-34, 1986.
"Spatial orientation in weightlessness and readaptation to earth's gravity",
Science, vol. 225, no. 4658, pp. 205-8, Jul 13, 1984.